3 Pieces to Reach for when Your Alarm Clock Doesn’t go off

By: Brittany Michele

Sleepy young woman in bed extending hand to alarm clock at home

We all had it happen to us before. Our alarm clock is set the night before, yet when it is time for it to ring, the sleep gods mysteriously turn off our alarm. And what happens next? We sprint out of bed and dash around the house in an attempt to look half way decent before racing into work. In those 5 minutes that you are frantically running around your house trying to get ready, make your coffee and head out the door simultaneously, there are a few key pieces that will make your life a whole lot easier. Every woman should have the following three items in her closet for occasions when she must rush out the door in minutes:


1) The Blazer

Yes, it is talked about in pretty much every single article written about items to keep in your closet. But there is a reason for this! A blazer can be worn with a pair of work pants, a pencil skirt, over a dress, and can even be paired with a t-shirt
and jeans. It can be dressed up for the office, and it can also be dressed down if you have to transition it to happy hour after work. A blazer is a must-have wardrobe staple for all women and some great places to purchase blazers are Zara, Banana Republic and Express.

2) A Wrap Dress

The wrap dress is one of the most flattering dresses for women of all shapes and sizes. Why you might ask? Because a wrap dress cinches in one’s waist, giving the illusion of a more feminine figure. Plus, it is only one piece you have to put on before
slipping on your favorite pair of heels and heading out the door. To find some beautiful wrap dresses, visit Banana Republic, Ann Taylor Loft and Nordstrom.

3) The A-Line Midi Skirt

Midi skirts are all the rage right now. They are the ultimate feminine clothing item and perfect for the office. A midi skirt can be paired with a simple tank top and cardigan or combined with a neutral blouse for an effortless look. The midi length is
very work appropriate because of its modest length, yet extremely fashionable for those women who want to stay on trend. And why an A-line midi vs. a form fitted midi? The A-line is flattering on women of all shapes. It is fitted at the waist and hips, but gradually flares out creating a gorgeous silhouette. You can find beautiful midi-skirts on ASOS.com, H&M and Forever 21.

All three of these pieces are perfect for the working woman due to the adaptability and ease that they provide to a busy woman’s lifestyle. So, next time you wake up in a panic because your alarm clock has failed you yet again, reach for one of these great pieces in your closet. You will walk out the house feeling confident, professional and fashionable. No one will ever notice that it took you a couple minutes to put your outfit together.

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